What the Next 5 Years of Personal Finance Evolution Needs to Look Like

June 22, 2011

Personal finance became a lot simpler over the last five years. Today, I manage my finances, in less than an hour a month at no cost. I couldn’t imagine a world where investing wasn’t automated or expenses were not aggregated. Is there room for improvement? Of course. I believe we’re on the brink of even [...]

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Did You Win A $10 Amazon Gift Card from Gen Y Wealth? (Plus, 11 ways I’ve changed my environemnt to change my behavior)

June 16, 2011

Congratulations to @MigPalaviccini for winning a $10 gift card to Amazon and for getting 100% on his pop quiz! Earlier this week, I ran a “pop quiz” on behavior change in regards to personal finance. It proved to be a fun way to engage the community of people here. I was able to learn a [...]

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A Chance to Win an Amazon Gift Card and Learn Something New

June 13, 2011

Let’s have some fun. Below are 5 everyday financial problems. Under each problem, are two different ways to solve the problem. By applying what you have learned about behavior change (If you’re new, just search the term behavior on the right hand sidebar) on this blog, decide what method will result in the highest chance [...]

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A little known method that can help you pay less in taxes and save more | HSA Approved Expenses for 2011

June 6, 2011

I feel your pain. I to pay A LOT for health insurance. Yet, I haven’t gone to the doctor in two years. I’m not saying this to brag about my health (Actually, with free preventative care, it’s pretty careless to not get a physical once a year). This behavior, of not using your health insurance, [...]

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Video: Personal Finance Advice for College Students and Recent Graduates

June 1, 2011

On May 19th, I spoke at Northwestern University. The title of my talk was “What I Wish I Knew About Personal Finance in College” (link contains  slides). This was my first talk in front of a large audience. Although I admit I was nervous, after it was over I had a great feeling hearing the [...]

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