How to Solve Your Financial Problems

by RJ

in Psychology

I started off by compiling one of those 101 lists of financial questions that you should be able to answer (101 lists always get great traffic ). However, after completing the list, it didn’t sit right with me. It was too long and had little benefit.

Therefore, I decided to narrow down that list to what I thought was the essential. It took about 15 more minutes to narrow down that list to about 10 questions. Yet, after reviewing that list, I still wasn’t satisfied.

I wanted to know what one question most members of Gen Y should be asking themselves. Once I changed to this mindset, the answer came to me pretty quickly.You shouldn’t be brainstorming, journaling, meditating, etc… on ways to save money or how to increase your income. What you really should be asking yourself everyday is…

How can I make money doing what I love?

If you can find an answer to this question, you have 99% of personal finance solved.

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{ 1 comment }

KenNo Gravatar April 12, 2010 at 8:27 pm

No question finding one’s passion is a great pursuit.

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