My First Attempt at Free Airfare

by RJ

in Travel

In the next 18 months, I plan to do a lot of traveling.  For the first time in my life, I’m set to take  two big international tips to New Zealand and Peru. Plus, a few other shorter and cheaper domestic trips.

When totaling up what this would all cost, it was north of $10,000. While travel is important to me, $10,000 is still $10,000. That’s a lot of money.

Recently, a few blogs I read started talking about travel hacking. I have to say, after an introduction to the topic I’m hooked. The idea traveling for a fraction of the cost as everyone else, for a frugal guy like myself, is obviously enticing.

I went ahead and got copies of  The Frequent Flyer Master and Travel Ninja (affiliate links), two eBooks from Chris Guillebeau and read them each cover to cover.

I’m happy to say, already I should have accrued over 50,000 in just a few days after applying what I learned in Chris’s books. This is enough to pay for two domestic flights already.

I’m just getting started into this great world of travel hacking. My plan is to do an occasional weekend post about travel hacking offering tips of what’s working. They won’t be as long, but they will be useful.

Tip # 1 for Travel Hacking

This is I tip, I learned from reading The Frequent Flyer Master. An easy way to get 10,000 free miles, which can just about get you a free domestic flight,  is to show United you graduated from college.

That’s it for today. Have a great Halloween.

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